Comparing the financial policies and agendas of countries can provide for an excellent opportunity to teach the general public about the many decisions and standing procedures that can affect a country's economic growth and potential. It is a generally accepted fact that an educated populace relates in a better likelihood for pressure on governments to adopt sound and transparent economic policies, contributing to a more peaceful world.
It is also established that the implementation of money and financial policies can be more effective if their objectives and reasoning are communicated to the public clearly. Informed markets also foster greater accountability across the public sphere. Central banks must make a credible commitment to meeting these demands for transparency in order to be fully accountable and a populace must be aware that it is their responsibility to demand a transparent financial sector.
The encouragement of governments and countries everywhere to adopt sound economic and financial policies is one of the International Monetary Fund's major points in its goal of ensuring the stability of the international monetary and financial system. This move helps resolve crises, and generally contributes to the alleviation of poverty. Surveillance, technical assistance, training and lending are employed to do so and are underpinned by IMF research and statistics.
It is for this reason that clear rules, procedures and operations of financial agencies are of tantamount importance and why comparing policies across the board makes for more informed decisions.

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